On par with The Inheritance Games series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Kayvion Lewis的《皇冠登录welcome》 is a thrilling page-turner with all the ingredients of a good spy novel. Although Rosalyn (Ross) Quest is only seventeen years old, 她是个偷窃高手, having acquired her experience through her family-run business of thieving. Living on the remote island of the Bahamas, Ross seeks social contact with people beyond her family. 事实上,她在寻求逃避. While the heists provide their own brand of exhilaration, Ross feels isolated. She sees her options as staying locked up in the family industry where trusting people outside the family阅读更多→

六年级学生弗朗西斯·毕晓普很容易担心. She wonders how thoughts can be compartmentalized or put into a box when “worry is like water. 它漏了。”. 此外,“没有人选择担心. Worry just is” (99), and it causes Franny to get herself into a tangle. 因为她妈妈以前是个瘾君子, 弗兰妮必须是负责任的那个, 让她一直担心. As an escape, Franny has math where the problems have clear steps and a solution. 数学是她的乐事. Franny also has an ally in her mother’s Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous sponsor, Mimi, who阅读更多→

萨宾娜·汗新书的情节, 德西女孩想要什么, 围绕着Mehar Rabbani的生活展开, 住在牛顿市的混血女孩, 堪萨斯. Speaking her mind is Mehar’s brand, which doesn’t always work in her favor. 容易发牢骚, Mehar 讨厌s being reasonable—a trait that backfires on her when she makes a trip to India to reconnect with her family on her father’s side. 希望能挽回她和父亲的关系, Mehar is intent on apologizing to him and mending their fractured bond. She also wishes to reconnect with her judgy grandma while in India for her father’s wedding.阅读更多→

Wren Warren and Derek Pewter-Flores ae both sixteen-year-old members of the four founding families in Hollow’s End. Wren’s family grows wheat, and Derek’s grows melons. The the pair hopes to build on their families’ 150-year-legacy, 结婚, 有一天会有孩子, but Wren has overheard her parents arguing about money, so she takes measures to help increase the farm’s production. 后不久, 枯萎病出现了, 一种对土壤有毁灭性影响的作物, 作物, 动物, and people—one with the power to fracture not only a family but a future. 相信自己有责任, 鹪鹩把事情掌握在自己手中, 她的发现震撼了她的内心. 当阅读更多→

Set in a world similar to our current reality but not quite, Sunya Mara的《皇冠登录welcome》 is a study of both psychology and sociology. Mara explores the consequences of classism and social hierarchies while also taking a deep dive into the effects of despair, 复仇, 讨厌, 疼痛, 和愤怒. In the process, she also asks some critically important questions worthy of soul-searching. Seventeen-year-old Vesper Vale is the daughter of revolutionaries and refers to herself as “a hopeful little screwup from the fifth ring” (216). Her father’s fear has kept her safe, but Vesper wonders if it is wrong to want more out of life阅读更多→

根据网络漫画改编, 丹尼尔·斯特林的《welcome皇冠地址》 is a fantasy romance featuring characters Ray and Laurie. A number of this graphic novel’s scenes occur in a bakery owned by Laurie’s Aunt Marigold, who names pastries after enchantment spells she has concocted. A seer who attends Council Academy, Ray wants to put her visions to good use. 小说的第二主人公, Laurie Garcia aspires to be a world famous musician who plays sold-out concerts in which the entire audience sings along. Yet neither character has a straight route to that sought-after goal. Ray struggles with parental expectations and her own assurance that阅读更多→

Alechia Dow writes an intriguing speculative story with her novel The Kindred. Her two protagonists—as is everyone else in the Monchuri system—have been linked with since birth. The Kindred program was created after The Second Chaos, a revolution in which the poor rose up demanding that their voices be heard by the rich. Maru’s top scientists created the mind pairing idea as a solution. Because those who are paired come to know each other’s thoughts so intimately, they often 结婚. 然而, 在乔伊·阿巴拉和菲利克斯·哈姆迪的案例中, a pairing is unlikely since he’s of royal blood and in line for the throne阅读更多→

Robby Weber writes a romantic-comedy that moves beyond what I define as a beach book, a sugary treat to indulge a craving but not necessarily one that prompts deep thought. 他的小说《如果你改变主意, Weber explores topics like 的关系 and finding the core of what matters. Even though real life and romantic comedies are very different things, 受到韦伯的影响, 我们意识到相似之处确实存在. 帮助读者了解其中的一些, each chapter is named for or alludes to a rom-com film to parallel the plot. Some of these include You’ve Got Mail, Serendipity,阅读更多→

Two gay couples are navigating 的关系 in Here’s to Us. This romantic comedy is the collaborative effort of Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera. Couple number one is Mario Colón and Ben Alejo—two white-passing Puerto Ricans who bond over their work as writers. Ben loves connecting with people over words and aspires to publish his fantasy, 邪恶巫师之战. Mario, who writes television episodes, is blush-worthy beautiful, highly energetic, and affectionate. 当ever this world bores him, Ben escapes into writing where he creates his own reality. Couple number two is Mickey McCowan and Arthur Seuss. Mikey is a beacon of order and symmetry, while Arthur阅读更多→